Thursday, January 20, 2011

To blog or not to blog...

My sister thinks I need to be a blogger.  Ok.  She thinks I need to focus more on my creative outlets.  Ok.  She thinks blogging is a great way to keep in touch in eachother's lives.  Ok.  I am sitting at work.  I'm totally focused on what I need to get done today.  As a single mother and the only income for our family, work is very important.  I don't take breaks or a lunch break.  I work late, hurry home, spend some "fast" quality time with my kids...yup an oxymoron, hurry to sleep so I can hurry and wake up and do it all over.  Underneath all that, I miss my family, feel panicked that my kids, neices and nephew are growing up way too fast and I feel a bit suffocated by my lack of creative anything.  To blog or not to blog.  That is the question.  I start looking at my families blogs on the breaks my supervisor is prodding me to take.  And suddenly my burden feels a thousand times lighter and I feel like I am in California (or wherever else) visiting my family.  I feel reconnected and not like life is forcing me to miss out on all the good stuff.  And guess what else...I started creating cards again!  So to answer the question...DEFINATELY To Blog!


  1. YES! I am going to have so much fun reading your blog! and I love your valentines!

  2. Jami, you inspire me! Thank you for blogging! I love the way you can express yourself with writing! An area I am greatly lacking in, but it is ok, that way I can brag about you! I love your Etsy store also! Can't wait to travel the world of blogging together. XoxoXo

